The Ice Age Series reaffirms its status as the most successful animation franchise in India. Fox Star Studios' Ice Age 4: Continental Drift 3D has garnered the largest ever opening for an animation film in India! The laugh riot opened with a record Rs 8.5 Crores over the weekend, which is more than 150% of the previous record holder (Kung Fu Panda 2)!
Ice Age 4 is the first animated film to be dubbed in Tamil and Telugu, apart from Hindi and is the first animated film to break out in the dubbed markets, especially Tamil and Telugu. The fun family film has is the 5th biggest opening of the year after Spiderman, The Dark knight rises, The Avengers and Men in Black 3, albeit with a bigger per screen average than all of them!
Nearly 15 screens in TN are showcasing the film in Tamil in places like Madurai, Thirupur, Pollachi, Thenkasi and several others.
The 4th installment in the highly popular Ice Age series has achieved the total box office collection of Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs in just 1 weekend, a feat matched by no other country in the world!
Speaking on the successful opening of the 3D flick says Vijay Singh, CEO, Fox Star Studios, "Indian audiences have opened up to animation films including the dubbed versions, and we expect footfalls to increase in the coming week!"
In fact in some markets like Bangalore and in the South, the 3D flick has opened even bigger than 'Kya Super Kool Hain Hum' and Hollywood's much hyped 'The Dark Knight Rises', with the local dubbed versions doing phenomenally well.
Well looks like the success of Ice Age 4 is all set to usher in a brand new era of animated films in India!
Watch 'Ice Age 4: Continental Drift 3D' Trailer
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